About Wessex Orchid Society

Meetings are held at Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, Winchester SO21 2AA (situated opposite Shawford Railway Station) at 2.00 pm for 2.30 pm, on the second Saturday of each month, apart from the August Summer Social, the Christmas Lunch in December, and the Society Shows in March and October.
Typically meetings consist of presentations, lasting for about an hour, by guest speakers or members followed by refreshments. There is a table competition for members - classes 'Open' and 'Experienced'. We hold a raffle at most meetings and events. The Society's extensive library is available for members to access.
Occasionally trips are organised to orchid nurseries/places of orchid interest.
Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year, £15 per single membership or £20 joint membership.
Wessex Orchid Society is a member of the British Orchid Council and is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society.